Category Archives: D’oh!

true2go: a cute fix.


Husband and I went to Asheville, NC this weekend (where he grew up.. well, he grew up in Weaverville, but nobody really knows Weaverville). It was a dual purpose trip: 1) To celebrate his Grandpa’s 90th birthday, and 2) To celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary. We were able to spend some time enjoying each other’s company (thank you Mama P, for taking care of the WILD HOUNDS!) and we were also able to get in some quality time with family. Needless to say, it was super busy – but an amazing mini vacation.

Amongst our busy-ness, I forgot my meter in our hotel room. I haven’t done that in so long, but my excitement about the weekend got the best of me and I was a bit absentminded. I realized I had forgotten it after a nice brunch chock full of carbohydrates. I was wearing my Dexcom but the adhesive was seriously losing it’s stick, as it does.. and I didn’t want to take the chance of not having any sort of bg readings all day. So instead of wasting 30-45 minutes driving back to the hotel, we decided to take the easy way out so that we could spend more time with the birthday boy and the rest of our family.

Introducing: the True2Go Meter. It’s probably the cutest $10 I’ve ever spent on diabetes care. I think I’ve bought one of these in years past, probably after making this exact same mistake. But it’s never come in RED and had a little COOZIE on it! It came with 10 strips, and the actual meter just clicks on to the top of the strip cansiter. The pricker could make my fingertips bleed for like 10 minutes too, it’s a bit intimidating.


And the few times I had to use it, it seemed spot on (based on how I was feeling – accurate, right?.) I tested it tonight against my VerioIQ, and it checked out.


Full disclaimer: I’m not getting paid a dime to say that I like this meter. It’s definitely not something that I’d use on a daily basis, but I think it’s really awesome in a pinch – especially for the price, and the fact you can get them at major drugstores (CVS, Walgreens – at least). I’ll definitely be keeping the True2Go in my backup diabetes bag that lives in my purse.

one lonely strip.



Does this ever happen to you? One lonely strip? I have to admit, it’s happened to me more than once. Which is why I started to carry a back-up pouch filled with: an extra bottle of strips, insulin, ketostix, a pump set, an alcohol swab, a skin-tac wipe, tegaderm, a battery, a penny (for battery changes)  and a needle. But, the back-up pouch is only useful if I remember to fill it after I drain the supplies. It currently only holds a needle, ketostix, and a penny. And my meter case currently only holds one strip. Shit.

I work until 7:30 tonight, so superhero diabetes-helper magical husband is bringing me a bottle of strips. Sometimes he just sparkles 🙂

It makes me feel SO irresponsible when I do this. I try not to let my co-workers find out that I’ve forgotten something that’s so crucial to my diabetes management, but I live a half hour away from my job.. so it’s hard to just sneak out and grab a new bottle. So now, with husband coming to save the day – I will try to convince myself that this is nothing but another bump in the road. As my mom would say – “This too shall pass.” And it shall. And now, I will forgive myself (and start to refill my back-up pouch when necessary).